Alternate-Earth Productions - My first, multi-dimensional, multi-genre setting, built up from the ages of 5 -18.
Power Universe Teams - A series of articles listing various characters from my first superhero setting, the Power Universe.
The Fabulous Five
The New Force
The Mutant Force
The Evolutioneers
The Fantastic Felines
The Body Warriors
The Power Team
The Wyld Hunt - A modern fantasy concept, involving mystical adventurers and heroes battling monsters in the shadows of human society.
S.T.A.R. Corps - A massive superhero project based on a dream, featuring friends of mine as the hero characters.
Ethyrium Universe - A small artificially created universe with hundreds of habitable worlds.
The Six Realms Cosmology - A layout of various mystical realms and how the denizens are effected when they cross between them.
Power Universe Teams - A series of articles listing various characters from my first superhero setting, the Power Universe.
The Fabulous Five
The New Force
The Mutant Force
The Evolutioneers
The Fantastic Felines
The Body Warriors
The Power Team
The Wyld Hunt - A modern fantasy concept, involving mystical adventurers and heroes battling monsters in the shadows of human society.
S.T.A.R. Corps - A massive superhero project based on a dream, featuring friends of mine as the hero characters.
Settings for RPG Concepts and Story Projects
Barson/Therus - A speculative setting of a distant-future earth.Ethyrium Universe - A small artificially created universe with hundreds of habitable worlds.
The Six Realms Cosmology - A layout of various mystical realms and how the denizens are effected when they cross between them.
Other Worldly Magic Systems - A system of various magics that each tap into the same general power source, but use different mechanisms to do so.
Apocryphal Earths - A multiverse where the changes to Earth's history come far earlier in it's development, resulting in radically different planets to what one would expect of an "Alternate Earth".
Mystic Missouri - A setting where the state of Missouri is dislocated into another dimension, causing strange mutations and super powers.
Fractured Eras - A "pitch" for an MMO featuring time traveler PCs.
Fractured Eras - A "pitch" for an MMO featuring time traveler PCs.
Scars of Tiamat - An alt-future RPG setting based on a post-monster apocalypse running roughshod over Earth, leaving behind numerous magical species to co-exist with surviving humanity.
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