Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Problems With Using Self-Loathing For Motivation

I have “joked” in the past that self-loathing and self-directed spite had become one of the driving motivators for me when it came to creative production. It took me too long to realize that it wasn’t a laughing matter. I ended up unironically taking “I’m a failed creator” to heart. I found myself writing and drawing not because I wanted to write and draw, but because I resented not having done enough of either. I’m not sure when this line of thinking truly started, but it has almost certainly been going on for at least the last decade. It’s only fairly recently that I’ve considered just how much this sentiment actually compounded the problems I was having.

The problem with this sort of thinking is it becomes a two-pronged self-sabotaging attack on one’s mental health. They say that True Art comes from Pain, but it’s one thing to write to exorcise your demons, and it’s another to deliberately injure yourself in order to get writing. It’s one thing to give yourself a little kick in the ass to get motivated into action, but if you’re relying continuously on that kick just to maintain momentum, you’re going to end up with a raw butt and broken toes and an inability to act at all.

Firstly, there is simply the act of miring oneself in a rancid stew of negativity. I would whip myself mentally over and over with horrible feelings and deprecating lectures to try and stoke my inner fires. Over time, however, heaping on the crap only served to infect the well. I had been sub-consciously training myself to associate being creative with also being miserable and desperate. Eventually, the anxiety of that crowded out whatever else I might be trying to say or do with whatever story I was trying to work on. It made me start to tunnel vision on certain negative emotions as the only themes I felt drawn to write.

Moreover, wallowing in such depressing emotions only made it all the easier to get overwhelmed by frustration, forcing me to have to break off more frequently to numb myself with distractions to cool my anxieties. Naturally, the frequent procrastination would then compound the problem of feeling like crap for not getting anything done. Eventually, this negative feedback loop would completely cripple my gumption, so that even trying to get started on a project in the first place felt like a Sisyphean task.

Secondly, when I did finally manage to write something, the accomplishment would result in an exhausting emotional rollercoaster, an intense high followed by a horrible crash. It was always elating, to feel like I’d broken the chains holding me down, that I finally was able to make something again. A sudden burst of euphoric positivity would erupt from the aching cavity in my mind, and I would finally feel good about myself for another brief period. I would capture that energy with frantic fervor, and ride it for as long as I could make it last.

And then, the positive energy would burn out, because it’s not my natural state. It’s a bucket of gasoline on the fire, not a big stack of logs. Whether I finished my project or simply made a solid chunk of progress on it, I could look back and feel amazing in the moment. But then, when I would take a much needed break, it’s like the chair would get kicked right out from under me, and I suddenly found myself backsliding into the pit. By defying my state as the “writer who can’t write”, I’d now undermined part of the engine I was relying on to keep momentum going. The positive energy was used up, while the negative energy had been temporarily canceled out; by the time I recovered from overworking myself, my gumption was gone once more. I’d be back to square one, unable to get the fire going again, much less keep it burning steadily.

This was the trap I fell into, and I am still working to break myself out of that toxic cycle. Maybe most people reading this will have no idea what I’m talking about. Maybe this is all just part of my own depression manifesting in my creative process. Maybe this is part of some undiagnosed neuro-divergency on my part. Maybe this is actually an incredibly common and completely obvious thing that a lot of creatives inevitably go through and get over, and it’s just my turn to go through the phase.

Whatever the case, I hope this little bout of introspection might help you a bit with your own frustrations, be they artistic or otherwise. I can’t say I have any good life-coaching advice on the subject, but what I can say is sometimes it’s best to just take a step back and reassess yourself; what are your real motivations, where is your energy truly coming from, and is there perhaps a pattern to the roadblocks you keep finding yourself encountering? Humans are creatures of habit and can be prone to getting stuck in our problems. For some, we can find ourselves deep in a rut before realizing it. If you find yourself falling into bad cycles, take the time to evaluate the situation, and see what you can do to adjust your efforts, instead of burning yourself out repeating the same mistakes. It seems obvious when said, but these sorts of traps can sneak up on people.

Good luck and godspeed and take care of yourselves!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Packing It In and Moving On

Despite being the only thing I purport to care about doing with my life, I have struggled enormously with writing and story production, to a level that is frankly soul-crushing at this point. Despite brief periods of productivity that seem to hit me from truly nowhere, my inability to produce has steadily gotten worse, in multiple regards. I have whined endlessly about my many problems, to the point I am far long sick of hearing myself go on about it, so I won’t go down the list here. If you’ve had to put up with me talking about it, then you already know at least some of the deal.
The last few years, I have been attempting to process these toxic feelings through various metafiction stories. At one point, I thought I had gotten through it, but apparently, I wasn’t done. With the writing and posting of Imaginator – The Final Story of Sharkerbob, I truly hope to be so now. To that end, I am going to do something I think has been long overdue.
I am announcing my “retirement” as Sharkerbob.
Fortunately, this is not going to be any great loss. I am a genuine nobody on the internet. Barely a handful of people have ever even looked at this blog. I have no followers. And that’s fine. I didn’t start this platform to become famous. I was, however, hoping to have done a lot more under this penname up to this point. As much as I struggled before, starting this blog was supposed to be part of the push to take my craft seriously, knuckle down on my focus, and starting making things on the regular. When I wrote Graven back in 2018, I really thought I’d done it. That I’d busted through the mountain, proven I could write a big, meaningful story, and I could finally start producing my genre fiction in earnest.
Turns out Graven was a complete fluke. Looking back, I have no idea how I managed to do it at all, and I know I couldn’t do it again now. Right place, right time, right motivations, right amount of energy, I guess. It was a lightning strike. It turned out it was also too little, too late. I’d already burned up so much of my creative gumption and confidence and capability in the years prior, that Graven ended up decidedly not being a new flagship to lead a new fleet from port. Instead, it was the last lifeboat escaping a long-sinking cruiser.
Obviously, I wrote a few other things since Graven, but the majority of it has all been related to the metafictional writing therapy. Sharkerbob has unfortunately become defined, at least to me, as a writer who can’t write. The absolutely pitiful amount of content I have published under that name doesn’t even represent 1% of the ideas I had hoped to produce works from. At some point, Sharkerbob became more driven to write, not because he wanted to write, but because he resented himself for not writing. And that is a lamentable and misplaced motivation, one highly prone to self-sabotage.
I’d like to not be that kind of writer anymore. To this end, I am closing the book on this chapter of my creativity. There is, however, a reason for the quotes around “retirement”. I am not giving up creating things. I want to keep writing and drawing, with the eventual goal of doing comics again, or at least some medium where I can make use of both skills.
However, my intention going forward is to start fresh with a new penname and a new direction, with no connections to my previous works. In part, this is to wipe the slate clean, so I can feel free to explore ideas without feeling beholden in various ways to the interconnected canons of my past works. It is also to break free from the baggage of past associations, namely my incredibly short-sighted sloppiness in referencing connections to other pennames. If you know, you know, and I wish you didn’t, but it’s too late to do anything about it now. Suffice to say, if my future endeavors are to go anywhere, I’d prefer to not have a dump truck full of literary skeletons always trailing behind me.
Having said that, there are still things from Sharkerbob, from the AEP Multiverse, from those other pennames, that I still think are worth salvaging. Character ideas and worldbuilding concepts I’m not completely ready to give up on yet. I’ll have to reforge them, of course, and I am aware it’s risky to indulge in the bad old habits of reworking failed ideas yet again. But this time around, I hope to do so without all the needless baggage and negativity tainting the process. Easier said than done, of course, but hey, if nothing else, it’ll force me to get more creative with what I got.
So, that’s pretty much all there is to say on the matter. I’m know I’m mostly speaking into a void with this post, but for me, it’s part of the ritual of moving on. Here’s to another couple of decades before the next metafictional crisis story inevitably gets written!
For those of you who have followed my work, I appreciate your support. So long, and take care of yourselves!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Imaginator - The Final Story of Sharkerbob

Author's Note: This is a significant rewrite of The Final Story of Salvador Roberts, with the major differences occurring in the latter half. I have decided to leave that original version still up, for the sake of comparison. This rewrite also incorporates reinterpretations of a few key moments from SalQuest, which was the first draft of an intended sequel adventure, which ultimately proved impossible for me to work out. Due to several considerations, I have decided it best to remove SalQuest from the archive.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Spirits of Civilization - On The Stormy Streets

The group assembled at the intersection of Gravois and Lindbergh, near I-270. It figured that Gravois wasn’t even here, off to meet with Des Peres, much to Lindbergh’s chagrin.
Slicking back his hair, Kirkwood gave his usual cocky smirk as he approached the assemblage of his fellow spirits. Lindbergh gave his usual trademark scowl at his “little brother”, which Kirkwood just ignored.
It was a bit of a motley crew tonight. Big Bend, the twins Laclede and Hanley, Lindbergh, Kirkwood himself, and to his surprise, Sunset Hills stood among them. The town spirit, standing taller than all of them, looked grim, unusual for his normally high spirits. He kept glancing upwards, to where the dark clouds roiled. Even Kirkwood could admit there was a restless energy in the air, unusual for this time of year. Probably just an early tornado, surely.
“Took your time, little brother,” said Lindbergh.
“I always arrive when I mean to arrive,” said Kirkwood.
“Fashionably late,” quipped Hanley.
“Fashionably lame,” quipped Laclede.
“Fashionably blamed,” said Hanley.
“Fashionably shamed,” said Laclede.
“Yes, yes,” Kirkwood waved them off. If he didn’t nip the twins in the bud, they’d be going all night. “So what are we looking at at?”
“We think it’s a hurricane,” said Sunset Hills. He looked off into the distance somberly.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Digital Dragons, Book Three

Digital Dragons
proceeds along! Bobbi continues to build up her resources, acquiring stronger armors and equipment in rapid succession, just in time to meet another powerful enemy! It's clear the world isn't going to wait for her to keep "getting prepared" before she goes on her Quest. After this latest harrowing encounter, it's time to get a move on!

I really hadn't expected to pop this out so soon after the last one, and I can tell the drag is really hitting me now, so it's time to pull back and let this one recharge a bit. Thanks for reading thus far!

As before, you can read the PDF from here:

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Digital Dragons, Book Two

Digital Dragons
 continues with the further adventures of Bobbi, Miner And Crafter Extraordinaire(ish)! As she slowly builds up her resources, she encounters a potential new ally, runs afoul of a powerful foe, and takes her first step into another dimension! Things are looking rather hectic, but hey, she's got nothing if not time on her side, conveniently divided into twenty-minute chunks at that!

Made with modded Minecraft and Comic Life 3. I didn't think I'd get another book out right away, but the muse stuck around for a while longer this time! After this, though, I'm taking a break before I give my wrists, and my brain, carpal tunnel.

You can download the PDF here:

Friday, March 31, 2023

Digital Dragons, Book One

Digital Dragons is a comic book project created with Minecraft (including several mods) and Comic Life 3. Born from a half-joke/half-desperation move to break me out of another prolonged bout of writer's block, as well as conveniently justify continuing my Minecraft addiction, the comic tells of the first few days of "Sharkerbob" seemingly awakening into his Minecraft avatar, whereupon he becomes stuck in the world of the game! Yes, it's just about the most cliché premise you could think of for a Minecraft "fan fic", but it fits the conceit of the game well enough, and made for an easy jumping off point for wacky early-game shenanigans. As improvised dialogue and characters, I also did not set up anything about the environment ahead of time (aside from one plot-relevant detail), so Sharkerbob's responses are real-time reactions to my own exploration of the area, making for some great organic writing.

This was a really fun project, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it!

The comic has been saved as a PDF format, which you can download here: