Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Comical Thoughts

Comical Thoughts was a brief attempt at a comic book review mini-podcast that I had made for my now-defunct YouTube channel. I wasn't really intending to become a comic book reviewer, this was really just a way for me to practice my podcasting voice and audio editing. This is also less of a review series and more of a "hey check out this neat thing I found" spotlight series. There were a lot more titles I could have covered, but I felt I'd gotten my practice in, and it wasn't long before I ended up doing the Handsome Voices Podcast, after which I was so sick of doing audio work that I never got around to doing more of these. :V

Fair warning this was early into my attempts to record and edit audio so I didn't have particularly good microphones and I wasn't very good with editing. I've tried to balance the sound out better with some of the more quiet tracks but it's probably not the best sound quality. Also, I don't remember in what order I  initially made them, so they're just in alphabetical here.


"BONUS" EPISODE (Anime Commentary)
This wasn't officially part of Comical Thoughts, but was going to be part of a separate series of general commentary and musings on storytelling, tropes, and conventions, picking a series or three to highlight my point. However, I only ended up making one of them, so I may as well toss it in here, as it's also sort of an anime review.