Another document from the random notes in a dump folder. I don't think I ever had a story for this. I was just interested in the idea of exploring a Multiverse where the differences in alternate timelines were not just obvious things like "what if the Nazi's won WWII". Instead, what if the divergent points in history were so far in the past that the development of the planet, even the solar system, was radically different, creating truly alien worlds that were actually all still Earth.
2145 A.D. –
Dimensional-crossing experimentation is discovered, and believed to be a much
more “practical” means of expanding humanity off of Earth, since Faster Than
Light technology never developed. Tenuous explorations using probes sent to
several alternate universes confirm that habitable versions of Earth do exist,
but the typical view of Multiverse Theory involving Infinite Timelines doesn’t
seem to hold up. In no other version of Earth thus far found is there any form
of humanity, save a couple of worlds where they no longer exist. In fact, most
versions of Earth are not even hospitable to Earthly life.
If the more traditional idea of alternate timelines are at
play, where all worlds known a branched off from a prime world where all worlds
share a common history, then the divergences occur at wildly different eras,
which change Earth into what may as well be entirely different planets in these
alternate worlds.