A post-apocalyptic setting where humanity burned itself to
ashes with nuclear fire centuries ago. Most of the world has been scorched of
life, and the oceans rendered nearly barren, leaving only small pockets of
habitable zones left for the remaining species of earth.
The year, if the human calendar had kept going, is 3576 A.D.
The nuclear fallout has wreaked havoc upon the environment, but life, as ever,
finds ways to adapt. The heartiest of species survived, and the radioactivity pushed
evolution into unexpected paths, perhaps aided as well by the remnants of
humanity’s last biological experimentation. Now, four species vie for control
over the last sustainable regions: the Kokrouch, the Pejin, and the Rhat tribes
have only recently called a tenuous ceasefire as they are beset by a recently
encountered species: the Auktoupous. These amphibious horrors crawl from the
ocean depths to claim the resources of the land and drag them back into the
briny deep.
The elders of each tribe have opted to send some of their
champions to quest once more through the ancient ruins of the lost Homahn
civilization. The nearest city, infested with terrible beasts and defective
automatons, is said to still hold secrets not yet plumbed by earlier explorers.
An expedition has been sent to retrieve something, anything, that can halt the
threat of the Auktoupous race.
Welcome to Rust City. Try to survive, and don’t you dare
leave empty-handed.
Might –
Athletics –
Wits –
Spirit –
Health –
Magic –
Movement –
Combat –
You start with 12 points to distribute across your four Basic
Stats. Each stat begins with 2 points before point distribution, and all stats
cap at 10.
Next, determine your Derived Stats:
Health – (Might + Spirit) x 5
Magic – (Wits + Spirit) x 5
Movement – 1 + Athletics
Combat – 12 – [(Might + Wits + Athletics) ÷ 3, rounded up]
Next, choose your Race, Profession, and Mutation.
You may pick one of three races. Picking a race nets you a
starting stat bonus, and a racial ability.
Intelligent rats, you begin with a +1 in Wits, Might, and Athletics.
Intelligent, bipedal cockroaches, you begin with a +1 in Might and an extra 20
Intelligent pigeons, you begin with a +1 in Athletics and the ability to Fly
for short bursts.
You may pick one of five Classes. These determine your
starting equipment and grant your class-specific special abilities.
are a gifted soldier. You start with a needle-shot rifle that has 30 shots (15
damage, 10 range) and a knife (5 damage, 1 range melee, 3 range thrown). You
suffer no penalties when performing Ranged Attacks and the CR of your opponent
raises by 2 in melee.
TRAPPER – You are
a master of traps. You start with a set of caltrops, a 10’ twine rope and
grappling hook, and 2 smoke bombs. You gain a +2 to any attempt to notice and
disarm traps or dangerous terrain (Wits).
know how to mix chemicals for both healing and destructive effects. You begin
with a medical spray with 20 shots (neutralizes poisons and recovers 10 health)
and 3 nitroglycerin capsules (15 damage, 3 range thrown, 1 range spread) which
function as grenades. You gain a +2 on any attempt to identify strange
SCANNER – You are
skilled in figuring out the functions of old technology and identifying
functioning equipment in the wreckage. You have a knife (5 damage, 1 range
melee, 3 range thrown), a spike-ball slingshot with 10 shots (7 damage, 5 range),
and a hand-held metal detector.
possess the freakish ability to channel the radioactive energy that permeates
the land into beams of destructive force. You can fire a beam of energy from
your hands or eyes up to 20 times a day. 25 damage, 6 range.
possess the freakish ability to influence the growth of plants via radiation
influxes. This enables you to create tangler traps that ensnare enemies or
create vines that be used to assist in climbing, up to 20 times a day.
possess the freakish ability to see beyond the normal visible spectrum. You can
see to a limited capacity in total darkness and see the aura’s of living beings
through walls in a manner similar to thermographic vision, as long there is not
too much material between you. You can shift your vision to this at any time,
but this causes your other senses to dull and gives you a headache which can
prove prohibitively distracting in some situations.
possess the freakish ability to achieve a monstrous form. In this form, you can
double your HP and Might for up to ten rounds. You can only do this 5 times per
day, and when you shift back, your HP is halved from the transformed stat.
Obstacles will revolve around traversing the broken city’s
dangerous landscape, attempting to break into sealed areas, and battling wild
animals and dangerous machines. You may also encounter some of the dreaded